E-mail: mjiasong@aliyun.com
1). 主要科研项目
[1] 智能电网中ZigBee网络的实时拓扑优化和高效广播传输算法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人,2014/08-2017/12,24万,在研
[2] 智能电网中无线网络的拓扑优化,天津市高等学校科技发展计划项目,项目负责人,2013/09-2015/09, 4万在研
[8] 基于分离式二维压缩感知的自适应成像系统研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,第五参与人,2013/01-2015/12,80万,在研
[9] 基于选择性填充微结构光纤双折射特性调控机理及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,第五参与人,2014/08-2017/12,30万,在研
2). 主要论文
u 期刊论文(Journal Article, JA)
[1] Jiasong Mu*, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang and Wei Song, “An adaptive routing optimization andenergy-balancing algorithm in ZigBee hierarchical networks[J]”. EURASIPJournal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014 2014:43.
[2]Jiasong Mu*,“A directional broadcasting algorithm for routingdiscovery in ZigBee networks [J]”. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communicationsand Networking 2014 2014:94.
[3]Jiasong Mu*, “A minimum physical distance delivery protocolbased on ZigBee in smart grid [J]”. EURASIP Journal on WirelessCommunications and Networking 2014 2014:108.
[4]Jiasong Mu*, Baoju Zhang, Wei Wang. “Routing Approach Based on Rate of Transmission Failure in ZigBee Networks with Changing Mobility [J]”. International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2012, 4(13): 225-233.
[5] Liang Han, Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang. “Optimization of relay placement and power allocation for decode-and-forward cooperative relaying over correlated shadowed fading channels [J]”. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014, 2014:41.
[6] Xin Wang, Qilian Liang, Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang. “A Survey on Physical Layer Security in Wireless Smart Grid [J]”. Wiley Security and Communications Networks,.
[7] Zhuo Li, Qilian Liang, Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang, “The Hybrid Architecture of Wireless and Power Line Communications in HANs for Smart Grid Security [J]”. Wiley Security and Communications Networks, 2013, March.
[8] Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang,JiasongMu.“Compressive SAR raw data with principal component analysis [J]”. EURASIP Journal onWireless Communications and Networking 2012,2012:258.
[9] Wei Wang, Xin Zhou*, Baoju Zhang, Jiasong Mu. “Anomaly detection in big data from UWB radars[J]”, Wiley Security and Communications Networks, 2013, March.
[10] Baoju Zhang, Qing Lei, Wei Wang, Jiasong Mu. “Distributed video coding of secure compressed sensing [J]”, Wiley Security and Communications Networks, 2013, August.
[11] Wei Wang,ZhangliangChen, JiasongMu,TingtingHan. “Throat polyp detection based on compressed big data of voice with support vector machine algorithm [J]”. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014,1:1.
[12] Wei Wang, Dunqiang Lu, Xin Zhou, Baoju Zhang, Jiasong Mu. “Statistical wavelet-based anomaly detection in big data with compressive sensing [J]”.EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013,1:269.
[13] 穆嘉松*,刘开华,史伟光,“ZigBee网络中基于节点移动性的路由选择策略[J]”. 天津大学学报, 2012(4), 301-308, 2012.
u 会议论文(Conference Article, CA)
[1]Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang, Wei Song. “Minimal Global Hops Algorithm for Energy Balancing in ZigBee Hierarchical Network [C]”. The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications Signal Processing, and Systems, 2013, 51-58. (EI: 20141417545518)
[2]Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang. “Simplified Hybrid Routing Protocol in Low Complexity ZigBee Network[C]”. The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications Signal Processing, and Systems, 2013, 51-58. (EI: 20141417545496)
[3]Jiasong Mu, Baoju Zhang, Wei Wang. “Energy-balanced routing scheme in varying ZigBee networks [C]”. 2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2012, 1399-1404. (SCI: 13384855, EI:20131416179939)
[4] Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang. “Routing Selection Strategy Based on Link Failure in ZigBee Networks with Changing Mobility [C]”. The 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications Signal Processing, and Systems, 2012, 439-447. (EI:20131416179939)
[5] Wei song, Jiasong Mu, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang. “Real Time Routing Optimization in ZigBee Hierarchical Networks [C]”. The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications Signal Processing, and Systems, 59-66. (EI:20141417545507)
[6] Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang, Jiasong Mu. “Through wall detection of human being based on SPC and wavelet packet transform by UWB radar[C]”. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), 955-958. (SCI:13880153, EI: 20135217147441)
[7] Wei Wang, Baoju Zhang, Jiasong Mu,Xiaorong Wu. “Sparsity and compressive sensing for SAR signal [C]”. IEEE Global CommunicationConference (ICC), Workshop on Radar and Sonar Network,2012,1416-1419.(SCI: 13384858, EI: 20131416179942)
[8] Qing Lei, Baoju Zhang, Wei Wang, Jiasong Mu, Xiaorong Wu. “A reconstructed algorithm based on QPSO in compressed sensing [C]”. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), 2012, 964-966. (SCI:13887279, EI: 20135217147443).
[9] Wei Wang, Dunqiang Lu, Xin Zhou, Baoju Zhang, Jiasong Mu. “On-line anomaly detection in big data based on compressive sensing [C]”.The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications Signal Processing, and Systems, 2013, 1059-1065. (EI: 20141417545427)
[10]Jiasong Mu, Kaihua Liu. “Effect of node mobility and network dimension to the ZigBee routing method [C]”. 2010 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), 2010, 5.(SCI:11581900, EI: 20104713417171)
[11]Jiasong Mu, Kaihua Liu. “A study on the routing selection method in ZigBee networks based on the mobility of the nodes and the scale of the network [C]”. 2010 WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2010), 2010, 405-409. (SCI:11324325, EI:20102613045012)