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申玉馨 讲师
2025-02-26 14:55  








(1)2024.03-至今 天津师范大学,电子与通信工程学院,智能科学与技术系,讲师/硕士生导师(讲授《线性代数》、《人工智能导论》、《C语言程序设计》、《大学物理》等课程)








[1]Yuxin Shen, ChenTang, Zirui Fan, et al. Blind watermarking scheme for medical and non-medical images copyright protection using the QZ algorithm [J],Expert Systems with Applications, 2024.(SCIEJCR Q1,中科院SCI一区Top).

[2]Yuxin Shen, Chen Tang, Min Xu, et al. A DWT-SVD based adaptive color multi-watermarking scheme for copyright protection using AMEF and PSO-GWO [J],Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 168(December 2020):114414.(SCIEJCR Q1,中科院SCI一区Top).

[3]Yuxin Shen, Chen Tang, Min Xu, et al. Optical asymmetric single-channel cryptosystem based on QZ synthesis for color images [J],Optics and Laser Technology, 2022, 153: 108254.(SCIEJCR Q1,中科院SCI二区Top).

[4]Yuxin Shen, Chen Tang, Min Xu, et al. Optical selective encryption based on the FRFCM algorithm and face biometric for the medical image [J],Optics and Laser Technology, 2021, 138.(SCIEJCR Q1,中科院SCI二区Top).

[5]Yuxin Shen, Chen Tang, Lixiang Zhou, et al. Optical asymmetric cryptosystem for multi-image in cyan-magenta-yellow-black color space [J],Applied Optics. 2020, 59(7):1854-1863.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI三区).

[6]Yuxin Shen, Chen Tang, Lixiang Zhou, et al. Optical single-channel cryptosystem based on the discrete wavelet transform and the chaotic standard map for multi-image [J],Applied Optics. 2020, 59(30):9558-9567.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI三区).

[7]Shan Tao, Chen Tang,Yuxin Shen*, LeiZ. Optical image encryption based on biometric keys and singular value decomposition [J],Applied Optics. 2020, 59(8):2422-2430.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI三区).

[8]Yuxin Shen, Chen Tang, Zhenkun Lei. A double random phase encoding based asymmetric cryptosystem using QZ modulation [J],Journal of Optics. 2022.(EI,IF=1.8).

[9] Liao Zhang, Chen Tang,Yuxin Shen, et al. Optical single-channel cryptosystem based on the non-negative matrix factorization and face biometric in cyan–magenta–yellow–black color space [J],Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 2023, 40(12): 2146-2155.(中科院SCI三区,IF=1.90)

[10] Liao Zhang, Chen Tang,Yuxin Shen, et al. Optical double-image cryptosystem based on generalized singular value decomposition and five-dimensional hyperchaotic maps [J],Applied Optics. 2023, 62: 665-674.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI三区,IF=1.980)

[11] Min Xu, Chen Tang,Yuxin Shen, et al.PU-M-Net for phase unwrapping with speckle reduction and structure protection in ESPI.Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 151(8): 106824.(SCIEJCR Q1,中科院SCI二区,IF=4.6)

[12] Min Xu, Chen Tang,Yuxin Shen, et al. Batch fringe extraction from the single FPP fringe pattern based on a triple serial and parallel convolution neural network.Applied Physics B, 2021, 127(11): 153.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI三区,IF=2.1)

[13] Zirui Fan, Chen Tang,Yuxin Shen, et al. RME: alow-light image enhancement model based on reflectance map enhancing.Signal Image and Video Processing, 2022.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI四区,IF=2.3)

[14] Zongheng Huang, Chen Tang, Min Xu,Yuxin Shen, Lei Z. Both speckle reduction and contrast enhancement for optical coherence tomography via sequential optimization in the logarithmic domain based on a refined Retinex model [J],Applied Optics. 2020, 59(35):11087.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI三区,IF=1.980)

[15] Huiying Xie, Chen Tang, Wei Zhang,Yuxin Shen, Lei Z. Multi-scale retinal vessel segmentation using encoder-decoder network with squeeze-and-excitation connection and atrous spatial pyramid pooling [J],Applied Optics. 2021, 60(2): 239-249.(SCIEJCR Q3,中科院SCI三区,IF=1.980)

[16]杨冬梅,唐晨,申玉馨,雷振坤.基于DWT-SVD的大容量音频水印算法[J].光电子·激光, 2019, 30(12): 1348-1354.









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